Individuals with chronic hepatitis B infection are at risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer, even in the absence of cirrhosis.

At the Massachusetts General Hospital Hepatitis B Clinic, we offers comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plans for patients with all phases of hepatitis B infection. We also participate in nationwide studies investigating the way the body’s immune system fights the hepatitis B virus with the goal of improving the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

What to Expect

During your first visit to the Hepatitis B Clinic you will undergo:
  • Evaluation of your general medical history
  • A detailed history of your hepatitis B infection
  • Physical examination
  • Assessment of your risk for developing cirrhosis or liver cancer including the duration and severity of your hepatitis B infection, your family’s history of medical conditions, your other medical conditions and your lifestyle
  • Blood tests to determine the activity of the hepatitis B virus
  • A radiographic study, such as ultrasound or MRI
  • A liver biopsy, which may be recommended for people with long-term hepatitis B infection, particularly if the virus is very active. The biopsy can identify whether the liver has been damaged or scarred by the hepatitis B virus and help determine whether antiviral medications are needed

After you have completed these tests you will return to the clinic to review the test results and work with your doctor to determine a treatment or monitoring plan.

Hepatitis B infection can exist in a variety of states, and some of them don’t need treatment. However, anyone with hepatitis B infection should be monitored regularly for the development of active hepatitis, which should be treated. Treatment of active hepatitis B infection can include either an oral antiviral pill or an injected medication called interferon. For most people, these medications completely control the virus.

We regularly assess each patient’s response to antiviral medication to ensure the hepatitis B virus does not become resistant to the medications. You will be followed closely in the Hepatitis B Clinic to keep your liver healthy.

Clinical Trials

The Mass General Liver Center is participating in a nationwide study to help identify how the immune system affects the phases of hepatitis B infection, with the hopes of identifying how the disease progresses, identifying individuals who need treatment and developing better therapy to treat hepatitis B.

Learn more about clinical trials

Referring a Patient

Individuals with chronic hepatitis B infection are at risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer, even in the absence of cirrhosis. If your patient has evidence of hepatitis B infection, our Hepatitis B Clinic can help risk stratify your patient and establish a plan for ongoing disease monitoring or treatment with the most up-to-date antiviral therapy.

We are also eager to assist in the care of patients with hepatitis B infection or exposure who are pregnant or due to undergo immunosuppressive therapy or chemotherapy, to help determine the need for antiviral treatment or prophylaxis.

To refer a patient with suspected or established hepatitis B infection or exposure, please contact the Hepatitis B Clinic at 617-726-3524.

If you have questions about the diagnosis or management of hepatitis B virus infection, please contact the director of the Hepatitis B Clinic, Karin Andersson, MD, MPH, at 617-726-3524.