Dermatology Instructional Patient Videos
Videos to help explain different skin and hair conditions, how they are treated, and what to expect during common dermatology procedures.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Dr. Jeff Yu talks about allergic contact dermatitis and allergens that you find in your personal products.
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is a chronic itchy skin condition that affects 10-20% of the population. Dr. Yu discusses the symptoms and causes of eczema and covers treatment options.
Blum Center Program: Updates on Atopic Dermatitis - From Sunflower Oil to Dupilumab
Contact Dermatitis
Dermatologist Dr. Jeff Yu explains common causes for contact dermatitis, and how you can be tested for contact dermatitis. He explains what to expect from the patch testing procedure.
Video: Symptoms of Contact Dermatitis
Video: Patch Testing Demonstration
Dr. Jeff Yu, adult and pediatric dermatologist, explains what psoriasis is; what causes psoriasis; the symptoms of psoriasis; and how psoriasis is treated.
Skin Biopsy
Dr. Shinjita Das explains the purpose of a skin biopsy and the different types of biopsies.
What are the different types of skin biopsies?
How do I prepare for a skin biopsy?
Can you have a skin biopsy if you are allergic to anesthesia?
Skin Biopsy - Wound Care
Dr. Shinjita Das explains how to care for your skin after a skin biopsy.
Winter Skin Tips
Dr. Shinjita Das gives five skin care tips to keep your skin healthy in the winter months.
Tips to keep your hands healthy and hydrated
Hand washing is essential as we try and prevent virus spread. Dr. Mathew Avram provides simple tips to keep your hands healthy and hydrated.
Tips for keeping your hands healthy and hydrated