What Do Laser Skin Treatments Do?

Laser and light sources (different wavelengths of energy ie: ultrasound, infrared) can be an effective way of reversing or reducing sun damage and aging. These treatments aid in improving overall skin tone and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We use lasers to treat:

  • Rosacea (red spots on skin)
  • Melasma (brown spots or mask on skin)
  • Hemangiomas (red birthmarks)
  • Sun damage, freckles, brown spots, age spots
  • Port wine stains (red birthmarks)
  • Acne scars
  • Small Broken blood vessels (spider veins) on the face or legs
  • Unwanted hair (all skin types)
  • Unwanted tattoos

You may be a good candidate for laser skin treatment if you:

  • Have sun-damaged skin (leathery skin or wrinkles)
  • Have uneven skin tone
  • Have acne scars or scars that make the surface of your skin uneven
  • Have brown or red spots
  • Have tattoo regrets
  • Have unwanted hair
  • Want to refresh your appearance

How Do the Treatments Work?

Lasers use light energy to stimulate your skin’s natural collagen to rejuvenate skin. All lasers used in our practice are FDA approved to be safe and effective. Each device works utilizing different wavelengths or energy to target specific areas.  During your consultation, the doctor will explain how your particular device will work.

Since no one laser can treat all conditions, we have a variety of lasers on-site allowing our doctors to customize a treatment that meets your goals and need.

We offer the following FDA-approved Laser or light treatments:

What Can I Expect?

A doctor who has extensive laser and cosmetic training performs treatments in our office. Compared to surgical alternatives, these treatments have a quick recovery time that will allow you to return to your daily activities almost immediately. Since laser treatments stimulate collagen to rejuvenate your skin, the results are seen over following months. 

Why Do I Need a Consultation?

Your treatment plan is customized to meet your specific goals and needs. For this reason, a face to face consultation is required. This allows your cosmetic dermatologist (skin doctor who helps improve a patient’s physical appearance) to develop the best possible treatment plan for you. During the consultation, the doctor will:

  • Address your concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan
  • Review your general health
  • Evaluate your overall skin condition
  • Discuss risks and benefits of the treatment
  • Discuss the number and costs of treatment

A consultation is required and there is a fee for the consultation.

Are the Treatments Covered by Insurance?

No. Elective laser skin treatments are not covered by health plans. If you have questions about your coverage, please check with your health insurance provider.