
The Department of Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, a flagship teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, offers a 1-year Fellowship in Connective Tissue Diseases. The fellowship is 1 year and is directed at the career development of academic dermatologists in the area of connective tissue diseases. Fellows will work under the mentorship of Flavia Fedeles, MD, Director of the Connective Tissue Diseases Clinic and Janice Tiao, MD; this fellowship is a combined effort between the Departments of Dermatology and Rheumatology.

The fellow will have 70% protected time for clinical research and education. Fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in patient management in the MGH Connective Tissue Diseases Clinic, collaborating with attendings, fellows, and residents from both dermatology and rheumatology, every week to increase their knowledge of these disease states and to help drive research questions. In addition to mentored clinical time in the MGH Connective Tissue Clinic, fellows may also elect to gain exposure to rheumatology clinics for joint exam and ultrasound, the PFT evaluation or radiology for CT and MRI for further understanding of these areas.


The requirements for this fellowship include a medical degree from a US or Canadian accredited medical school, completion of the USMLE or equivalent exams, and a completed residency. Please send 3 letters of recommendation, exam scores and your CV to both ffedles@mgh harvard.edu and jtiao@mgh.harvard.edu.


The goal of the fellowship is in the production of publishable academic contributions and the development of the fellow’s academic career. Didactic lectures will be in both rheumatology and dermatology.

Fellows are also able to participate in courses from the MGH Clinical research unit to build their research skills.

Clinical Experience

½ day clinical Session/per week under supervision. This session lays critical groundwork as it allows fellows to develop their understanding of the clinical evolution of connective tissue diseases, learn about disease complications and associations, and understand current standards of workup and treatments. It also exposes them to clinical material that has in the past frequently led to the development of research questions and projects. Fellows will also have the benefit of an independent dermatology clinic which will serve to maintain their general dermatology clinical skills.

Research Experience

Fellows participate in ongoing research.  The fellow will be expected to perform two retrospective studies during the year, with the second of these specifically developed in the year with the fellows particular clinical-area of interest in mind. In addition, the fellow will be able to participate in on-going case series, and studies. In addition to research opportunities from direct clinical interaction fellows will have access to the partners-wide clinical database for research.

How to Apply

Please email a CV and inquiries to both doctors:

ffedles@mgh harvard.edu ; jtiao@mgh.harvard.edu

Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Dermatology
Attn. Flavia Fedeles, MD
Attn.  Janice Tiao, MD
55 Fruit Street
Bartlett Hall 6R, Dermatology Administration
Boston, MA 02114