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Discover how coordinated, convenient care at Massachusetts General Hospital can help you manage your health.
Concierge Medicine: Healthcare With You in Mind

Our concierge doctors see fewer patients every day, meaning they have more time for you. Physicians are available to our patients via phone or email 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also coordinate advanced care for our patients, especially when there is a serious illness or unexpected diagnosis. Should our patients need hospitalization at Mass General, our concierge doctors visit them in the hospital.
At Mass General, we are committed to improving the health and well-being of all members of the diverse communities we serve in the United States and globally. Our Concierge Medicine practice promotes the evolution of primary care, innovating processes for delivering the very best care, including the use of mobile and electronic solutions.
Learn About Concierge Medicine
Discover the benefits of Concierge Medicine and see how coordinated, convenient care at one of the leading academic medical centers in the world may help you live a better life.
Concierge Medicine Amenities
Our amenities are designed to offer you a welcoming and convenient place to meet your health care needs.
Contact us
Discover how coordinated, convenient care at Massachusetts General Hospital can help you manage your health.