Community Health and Health Equity Funding: Grant Recipients
ECOCH offers annual grants of up to $30,000 to catalyze community health initiatives in clinical departments across Mass General.

Alice Lorch, MD, MPH - Department of Ophthalmology to provide diabetic retinopathy screening at MGH Chelsea.
Shreedhar Paudel, MD, MPH - Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine to enhance community access to psychiatric care in Charlestown.
Gaurdia Banister, RN, PhD, NEA-BC, FAAN - Patient Care Services to support career advancement of MGH service employees into skilled clinical roles at MGH.
Sidney Jimenez, MD - Department of Medicine to pilot a care management program for chronic pain patients at MGH Revere.

James Morrill, MD, PhD and Anne Murray-Chiriboga, MD* – Department of Medicine, MGH Charlestown and NEW Health Charlestown will establish Charlestown Crossroads Resource Center, a centralized community drop-in resource center to address the needs of Charlestown residents and families.
Chana Sacks, MD, MPH and Peter Masiakos, MD – Departments of Medicine and Surgery to provide community and clinician education about firearm safety and gun violence prevention.
Wendy Macias-Konstantopoulos, MD, MPH and Margaret Samuels-Kalow, MD, MPhil, MSHP – Emergency Medicine will test different modes of SDOH (social determinants of health) screening.
Lydecke Sweet, MD and Antonia Makosky, DNP, MPH – Department of Medicine, MGH Charlestown and Institute of Health Professions (IHP) will provide weekly Nurse Practitoner student visits to elderly/homebound Charlestown residents.
Maryam Bita Tabrizi, MD, FACS – Department of Surgery to expand efforts to increase awareness and interest in tackling healthcare disparities with focus on understanding implicit biases.
*These recipients received a second year of funding in 2019

Jennifer Tan, MD* – Department of Dermatology to partner with Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program to provide teledermatology e-consult service.
Rachel Whooten, MD* – Pediatrics to provide physical activity program to elementary and middle school students in Revere.
Katherine Rushfirth, CNM, MSN – Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology to provide innovative prenatal care model that incorporates group prenatal visits focused on stress reduction and resiliency to improve women’s wellness in pregnancy and birth at MGH Chelsea and MGH Revere.
*These recipients received a second year of funding in 2018

Eden Evins, MD, MPH* - Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine to manage diabetes among seriously mentally ill patients at the Eric Lindemann Mental Health Center.
Jonathan Jackson, PhD and Beverly Moy, MD, MPH* – Cancer Center to engage with minority community to increase enrollment in clinical trials.
Julie Levison, MD, MPhil, MPH* - Department of Medicine and MGH Chelsea to improve screening and identification of patients with HIV.
Tony Lim, MD – Department of Psychiatry and MGH Revere to train mental health providers on innovative SUDS treatment program that engages friends and family.
Jennifer Magee, DMD – Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery to partner with Freedom Clinic (ED) to provide reconstructive surgeries to victims of human trafficking.
*These recipients received a second year of funding in 2017