Medications to Manage Constipation
When a healthy diet is not enough to ease constipation, you might need to use medication. There are at least five medications your doctor might recommend. Each medication eases constipation differently.
Patient EducationApr | 9 | 2019
In addition to following general healthy guidelines, the care team recommends staying on a “maintenance” bowel plan to keep regular and healthy bowel movements. Follow the plan every day to prevent constipation from causing a backup of stool.
These are general guidelines for a "maintenace" bowel plan. Ask the care team about specific guidelines for the person you care for.
We usually suggest Miralax® (polyethylene glycol)
Moves water from the body to the intestines to soften stool. Miralax is safe to use in both children and adults.
Check the Bristol Stool Chart to see which type of bowel movement the care team is treating.
Mix __________ capfuls / teaspoons with a favorite drink. Give __________ times per day. *When using Miralax®, 1 capful = 4 teaspoons
After a few days, adjust the dose of Miralax® up or down, depending on the type of bowel movement.
For bowel movements Type 1 and 2, increase Miralax® by __________ more until bowel movements reach Type 3, 4 or 5.
For bowel movements Type 6 and 7, decrease Miralax® by __________ less, until bowel movements reach Type 3, 4 or 5.
If more than 24-48 hours (1-2 days) has passed without a bowel movement, ask the care team for next steps.
We suggest a variety of over-the-counter medications. Find one that works well for the individual’s needs.
Helps the muscles in the colon (large intestine) contract to move stool out of the body.
How you give stimulant laxatives depends on which kind you give. Depending on the need, give daily or as directed by the care team.
Choose just ONE of the following:
If more than 24-48 hours (1-2 days) has passed without a bowel movement, ask the care team about next steps.
Mass General for Children and Massachusetts General Hospital do not endorse any of the brands listed on this handout. This handout is intended to provide health information so that you can be better informed. It is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to treatment of any medical conditions.
When a healthy diet is not enough to ease constipation, you might need to use medication. There are at least five medications your doctor might recommend. Each medication eases constipation differently.
Si una dieta saludable no es suficiente para aliviar el estreñimiento, a veces puede que su hijo/a deba tomar un medicamento. Hay al menos 5 tipos de medicamentos que el médico de su hijo/a puede recomendarle. Cada tipo de medicamento alivia el estreñimiento de forma diferente.
Get helpful tips on how to add more fiber to your gluten-free diet.
Managing constipation by adding fiber into your gluten-free diet can be a helpful way to ease the discomfort of constipation. Learn what fiber is, how much fiber you should eat every day and how you can add fiber to your gluten-free diet.
Constipation can make it uncomfortable to use the bathroom. In turn, an unpleasant experience with toileting can affect behavior, especially for young children.
Constipation can make it very uncomfortable to use the bathroom. It can also negatively affect your behavior. Learn what constipation is and its causes and symptoms.
When a healthy diet is not enough to ease constipation, you might need to use medication. There are at least five medications your doctor might recommend. Each medication eases constipation differently.
Si una dieta saludable no es suficiente para aliviar el estreñimiento, a veces puede que su hijo/a deba tomar un medicamento. Hay al menos 5 tipos de medicamentos que el médico de su hijo/a puede recomendarle. Cada tipo de medicamento alivia el estreñimiento de forma diferente.
Get helpful tips on how to add more fiber to your gluten-free diet.
Managing constipation by adding fiber into your gluten-free diet can be a helpful way to ease the discomfort of constipation. Learn what fiber is, how much fiber you should eat every day and how you can add fiber to your gluten-free diet.