Overview & Mission

The Mass General Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center (HTC) is a federally supported and fully accredited center that offers comprehensive care for children and adults with bleeding and clotting disorders. Our HTC operates within the Mass General for Children (MGfC) and Massachusetts General Hospital. Our mission is to provide exceptional care for patients with bleeding and clotting disorders of all ages throughout their lifespan. Each patient’s care is personalized based on the most recent research and advancements in treatment options. Our pediatric and adult medical teams work cooperatively to treat patients throughout their lifespan, providing exceptional care from birth through adulthood. 

Services and Additional Information

The Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center is an integral part of Massachusetts General Hospital, providing innovative, high-quality medical care for children and adults with bleeding disorders.

Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center

Learn more about the Mass General Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center, which operates within Mass General for Children and Mass General Hospital.


Blood Factor Program

Our Blood Factor Program allows our clinical staff the ability to ship blood factor products directly to our patient’s home, conveniently and effectively.


Our Care Team

Meet the dedicated and passionate members of the Mass General Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center care team.


Research and Innovation

In addition to our clinical services, we provide access to the most recent advances in education and research.


Patient Resources and Education

View a list of helpful websites, along with handy travel information for patients and their families.



Get information from the Mass General Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center about upcoming programs and lectures.


Conditions We Treat

  • Hemophilia A (FVIII Deficiency)
  • Hemophilia B (FIX Deficiency)
  • Von Willebrand Disease
  • Other Rare Factor Deficiencies
  • Inherited Platelet Disorders
  • Inherited Thrombophilias
  • Venous Thromboembolisms including deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms

Comprehensive Care

The Mass General Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) is a comprehensive pediatric and adult program that promotes caring for the whole patient, including their physical, psychosocial, and mental well-being. We use a multidisciplinary approach to care to provide necessary services during your visit. Our goal is to provide each patient and family with an individualized care plan to reduce complications and hospitalizations and improve quality of life.

Our multidisciplinary team consists of:

  • Adult and Pediatric Hematologists
  • Hematology Nurse Practitioner
  • Hematology-trained nurses
  • Physical therapists
  • Physiatrist (Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine)
  • Social workers
  • Clinical Research Coordinator

Specialty Clinics

In addition to our HTC, we offer other services that may benefit our bleeding disorder patients. After being seen at our Hemophilia Clinic, we may provide referrals to one of Mass General's many specialty clinics and services:

Blood Factor Program

The Massachusetts General Hospital Blood Factor Program was established as a non-profit factor home delivery service in 2014. Revenue generated through our Blood Factor Pharmacy Program has played an important role in the growth of our HTC Clinical Staff, creating more opportunities to support our patients and expand our services to our community. We have partnered with New England Life Care as our preferred Blood Factor Contract Pharmacy.

Our Blood Factor Program allows our clinical staff the ability to ship blood factor products directly to our patient’s home, conveniently and effectively. This model enables our team to more oversight into getting our patients their medication. Our team handles all eligibility determinations, prior authorizations, deliveries, blood factor management, billing, and can troubleshoot any issues patients may experience quickly.

Our Blood Factor Program is elective. Patients are free to use whichever pharmacy service they choose. Eligibility for our program is performed by our billing staff through a thorough process of determining where each patients blood factor coverage lies within their plan. All plans have both a pharmacy benefit and a medical benefit, in which we must determine where your in-home blood factor injectable coverage is found.

Services We Provide

  • Home delivery
  • Access to all blood factor treatments
  • Expansive selection of infusion supplies
  • Coverage and coordination of home infusion nursing services
  • Attentive customer service
  • Ongoing clarification of insurance coverage for factor waste disposal program
  • Patient Education Programs
  • 24 hour phone contact

Why 340B Is Important

Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in Medicaid to sell outpatient drugs at discounted prices to health care organizations that care for many uninsured and low-income patients. One of the health care organizations or covered entities this pertains to are Hemophilia Treatment Centers. 340B generated funds allow our HTC to stretch limited federal resources to reduce the price of outpatient pharmaceuticals for patients and expand health services to the patients and communities we serve. These savings are passed on to the patient directly in terms of discounted prices of incredibly expensive medications passed on to their insurance company.

Manufacturing Co-Pay Assistance Programs

All manufacturers of blood factor products have co-pay assistance programs all patients can and should enroll in. The Co-Pay Assistance programs are tremendously beneficial as they can be utilized to cover premiums and deductibles on plans.

As we know, blood factor is tremendously expensive. January 1st comes, and your deductible is reset. You may have $5000 deductible. If on January 2nd you are shipped your monthly blood factor medication, your deductible will be met on that shipment. The co-pay assistance program is designed knowing the great expense of the medication, to allow you to pay your deductibles with their co-pay assistance programs.

Research and Innovation

In addition to our clinical services, we provide access to the most recent advances in education and research.

Learn More>

Patient Resources and Education


If you are traveling domestically or internationally, please utilize the resources below to locate nearby HTCs:

Our Care Team

Meet the dedicated and passionate members of our comprehensive care team at the Massachusetts General Hospital Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center.

Dr. Eric Grabowski

Eric Grabowski, MD, SCD

HTC Medical Director
Pediatric Hematology


Leah Bruno, MDLeah Bruno, MD
Fellow, Adult & Pediatric Hematology


Dr. Mariel Smith

Mariel (Molly) Smith, MD
Pediatric Hematology


Dr. Larissa Bornikova

Larissa Bornikova, MD
HTC Associate Medical Director
Medical Hematology


Colleen Tighe

Colleen Tighe, NP
Adult & Pediatric Hematology


Kathleen Bezzarro, RN
Medical Hematology

Meaghan Carnell, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Amy Dion, RN

Dannielle Eramia, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Erin Kivlehan, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Caroline Krilovich, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Erin Murphy, RN

Megan Murphy-Flood, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Jillian Palubicki, RN

Kristin Sybertz, RN
Medical Hematology

Karen Sylvanowicz, RN
Pediatric Hematology

Social Work

Elyse Levin-Russman, MSW, LICSW
Pediatric Hematology

Rebecca Lawrence, MSW, LICSW
Medical Hematology/Oncology


Dr. Brian Wishart, DO

Brian Wishart, DO
Pediatrics and Adults

Physical Therapy

Jennifer Hathaway
Adult Hematology

Casey Vandale, PT
Pediatric Hematology


Eric Cronin

Eric Cronin
Program Manager

David Yo

Clinical Research Coordinator


Schedule a Virtual Visit

Care teams across Mass General for Children are available to provide care via virtual video. Call 888-644-3248 for more information.

Pediatric Hemophilia Clinics

1st Thursday of month
Yawkey Building, Suite 8B
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114

Adult Hemophilia Clinics

2nd Thursday of month
Yawkey Building, Suite 7B
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114

Contact Us

The Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center offers comprehensive evaluations and individualized care to children and adults with bleedings disorders due to hemophilia A, hemophilia B, rare clotting factor deficiencies and von Willebrand disease.