Staff StoryMay | 17 | 2018
Sara Lachance, PA, Neurosurgery

Taking Care of Patients and Employees Alike
“I began my physician assistant career with Mass General in 2015, when I applied for an opening in Neurosurgery. I have always thought of Mass General as one of the greatest hospitals; however, after starting to work here I have experienced first-hand that it is not only a great hospital, but also full of great people.
The hospital has given me the opportunity to work and learn alongside other physician assistants and medical residents, giving me knowledge that will help further my career. We all teach and learn from each other.
Working in Neurosurgery is so unpredictable. You never know what each day will hold. This unpredictability, along with the gratefulness of patients and families, makes coming to work each day an extremely enjoyable experience. Each patient case is extremely different. You never know what cases will be coming in and I have the opportunity to expand my knowledge every day.
Even though we are working directly with patients a majority of the time, we also provide care to their families. Often they need help coping with their loved one’s condition, or have questions about how to care for them post-surgery.
To be a successful physician assistant, one must be collaborative and efficient. You are working with people in different roles and departments as you decide the best possible treatments for patients, and then providing this treatment in a timely manner.
The workplace culture at MGH is always positive and upbeat. There are so many good relationships built amongst co-workers and there is an overall feeling of inclusion and positivity. Although I love Neurosurgery, I know that there is room to grow and expand my knowledge within my department and others. Working at MGH has opened my eyes to all of the other great opportunities and perks available within the hospital that I did not know about before.
Even though the main priority of the hospital is to take care of patients, MGH also makes it a priority to take care of its employees. Employees are given everything they need to care for patients and their families.”
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