The Center for Breast Cancer provides each patient with a coordinated team of cancer care specialists.

Medical Oncology

Rachel Abelman, MD

Rachel Abelman, MD




Amy Comander, MD




Leif William Ellisen, MD, PhD
Program Director, Breast Medical Oncology
Clinical Director, Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genetics




Katherine Harris, MD
seeing patients at Mass General Cancer Center in Danvers





Steven Jay Isakoff, MD, PhD




Dejan Juric, MD




Janice Kim, MD




Irene Kuter, MD, DPhil





Arielle Medford, MD




Douglas S. Micalizzi, MD, PhD




Beverly Moy, MD
Clinical Director of the Breast Oncology Program




Therese Marie Mulvey, MD





Jeffrey M. Peppercorn, MD, MPH




Aron Rosenstock

Aron Rosenstock, MD




Jennifer A. Shin, MD




Laura Spring, MD





Neelima Vidula, MD




Sadhna R. Vora, MD





Seth A. Wander, MD, PhD





Oncology Nurse Practitioners

Emily Higgins, NP




Ann Malley, NP




Jane Miller, NP




Kathryn Post, PhD




Nancy Schaeffer, NP




Loren N. Winters, NP




Radiation Oncology

Rachel B. Jimenez, MD




Alphonse G. Taghian, MD
Co-Director, Breast Cancer Research Program




Elisabeth Costigan, MSN, CNP, OCN




Lisa Swett, PA-C




Surgical Oncology

Michele Gadd, MD




Rebecca Kwait, MD

Rebecca Kwait, MD




Tolga Ozmen

Tolga Ozmen, MD




Barbara Lynn Smith, MD, PhD
Director, Breast Program
Co-Director, Gillette Center for Women's Cancers



Michelle Connolly Specht, MD
Co-Director, Avon Comprehensive Breast Evaluation Center




Francys Verdial Argueta, MD, MPH




Jen Chase, NP




Ann McMahon, NP

Ann McMahon, NP




Sylvia Perry, NP

Sylvia Perry, NP




Erin Sullivan, NP

Erin Sullivan, NP




Emily Viator, NP

Emily Viator, NP




Surgery - Breast Reconstruction

William (Jay) Gerald Austen, MD
Chief, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Chief, Division of Burn Surgery



Amy S. Colwell, MD
Quality Director, Division of Plastic Surgery




Jonathan Michael Winograd, MD





Breast Pathology

Melinda Jean Fan Lerwill, MD
Associate Pathologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Co-director, Breast Pathology Service Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School



Dennis C. Sgroi, MD
Associate Pathologist
Subspecialty co-Head, Breast Pathology Service
Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School



Breast Imaging

Manisha Bahl, MD




Shinn-Huey Chou, MD




Helen D'Alessandro, MD




Brian Dontchos, MD




Connie Lehman, MD, PhD




Randy Miles, MD




Margo M. Moskos, MD, MPH




Anand Narayan, MD, PhD




Mansi A. Saksena, MBBS




Interventional Radiology

Dania Daye, MD, PhD




Omar Zurkiya, MD, PhD




Oncology Nursing

Natalie Brennan, RN
Practice Nurse




Kathy Callahan, RN
Access Nurse




Amanda Darling, RN
Practice Nurse




Peggy Tarantino, RN
Practice Nurse




Research Nursing

Elizabeth Abraham, RN
Research Nurse




Maureen Beeler, RN
Research Nurse




Karleen R. Habin, RN, BBS
Research Nurse Manager




Maria Shellock, RN
Research Nurse




Clinical Pharmacist

Mark Zangardi, PharmD, BCOP




Social Work

Emily Doerr, MSW, LICSW




Sandra McLaughlin, MSW, LCSW




Cancer Genetics

Lauren Murray Bear, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Erica Blouch, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Melany Cruz, MS, LCGC

Melany Cruz, MS, LCGC

Genetic Counselor



Kiley Delgado, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Margaret Emmet, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Carly Grant, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Stephanie Hicks, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Janette Z. Lawrence, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Shelley R. McCormick, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Devanshi Patel, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Linda Rodgers-Fouché, MGC, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Kristen Mahoney Shannon, MS, LCGC
Director, Cancer Center Genetics Program, Senior Genetic Counselor



Meredith Seidel, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Kathleen E. Steinberg, MS, LCGC
Senior Genetic Counselor



Nutrition Services

Ashley Draviam, MS, RD, CSO, LDN
Senior Clinical Nutritionist





Taylor Klein, RD, LDN
Clinical Dietitian




Carol Sullivan MS, RD, CSO, LDN
Senior Clinical Nutritionist