
A cancer diagnosis can cause stress to patients and their care givers. Many questions and concerns arise from the time of diagnosis and in the months that follow. Oncology Social Workers within the Mass General Cancer Center are licensed mental health professionals who offer emotional support to patients and their families.

As a member of your treatment team, Oncology Social Workers provide individual and family counseling to support your coping; you can share your experiences and identify ways of dealing with the uncertainty of cancer. We also have information about Mass General and community services, including support groups.

Our Services

Oncology Social Workers can provide assistance in the following areas:

  • Processing emotions related to adjustment to illness and treatment
  • Guidance to parents in talking with their children about cancer
  • Navigation of the health care system
  • Living through loss and grief
  • Addressing domestic violence, substance abuse and mental health issues
  • Assistance in accessing transportation, governments benefits, and community resources

Oncology Social Work services are free of charge. No referral is needed. We invite you to utilize our services at any time during your care.

Oncology Resource Specialist

Mass General Cancer Center patients and their loved-ones can contact the Oncology Resource Specialist at 617-724-0295 for assistance with transportation, local temporary lodging and finding community-based support groups.

Patient Resources

Peer Mentoring Program

Peer Mentoring Program

Learn about the Cancer Center's one-to-one peer support program.

External Peer Matching Programs (pdf)

External Peer Matching Programs (pdf)

View a list of programs where you can connect with others.

Mass General Social Work

Mass General Social Work

Learn more about Mass General Social Work and the services that they offer.

Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program

Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program

This program addresses the unique needs of patients with cancer ages 15-39.

Workshops & Support Groups

Workshops & Support Groups

Find details of each of our workshops and support groups.

Support Program Calendar

Support Program Calendar

See our Wellness and Support Program calendar.

Connecting to Community Resources

American Cancer Society
Tel: 1-800-227-2345

The American Cancer Society (ACS) can connect patients with resources such as support groups, transportation, lodging, financial programs, as well as educational materials regarding treatment options, side effects, quitting tobacco, and more that help support people with cancer and their loved ones for free.

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) – formerly Boston Cancer Support

Patients, caregivers, loved ones, and healthcare professionals can find valuable resources throughout Boston, Metro West, Metro North, Metro South, Western Massachusetts, and Cape Cod. Information from financial aid and caregiving, to support groups, and smart phone apps are included.

See the Social Work Department website for additional general (not cancer-specific) community resource information.

Cancer Support Communities

Cancer Support Community Massachusetts (CSC MA)

CSC MA provides support, education, and hope to cancer patients, caregivers, and loved ones.

Virginia Thurston Healing Garden - A Cancer Support Center Northwest of Boston
Tel: 978-456-3532

The Healing Garden provides a community of support where integrative therapies join with nature to improve the quality of life for those affected by cancer. Located in Harvard, MA.

Cancer Connection - Western MA/Pioneer Valley (Northampton)
Tel: 413-586-1642

Cancer Connection offers a haven where people living with cancer and their loved ones can learn how to navigate the complicated cancer journey through education, peer support (support groups), complementary therapies and creative programs to strengthen body and spirit, free of charge.