Exercise Videos for Cancer Patients
Lifestyle Medicine
The Lifestyle Medicine Program provides personalized consultations and group visits for any patient with cancer or a history of cancer who wants to improve their physical fitness, nutrition, quality of life or adopt or resume healthy lifestyle habits.
The Lifestyle Medicine Program at the Mass General Cancer Center recommends an exercise program for cancer patients and survivors, based on baseline fitness, personal goals, and cancer therapy to minimize side effects, prevent loss of function, and improve long-term outcomes.
Our exercises videos can be used as single workouts or as part of a fitness plan. View an example of a fitness plan incorporating the videos.
If you are not currently exercising or do not exercise often, start slowly using the ‘easy’ videos. Once you are more comfortable, you can begin the more intensive videos. If you need help getting started or want to make a plan tailored to your needs, you can make an appointment at our Lifestyle Medicine Clinic at (617) 724-4000.
Exercise Videos for Cancer Patients
Enjoy each exercise video by itself or as part of a fitness program. These videos are designed for every level and ability, with modifications shown along the way.
Yoga and Cardio Dance Videos
View our Yoga and Cardio Dance workout videos.
Additional Resources
Supportive Care Services
Our support programs can help patients and their families cope with the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.