VideoJan | 1 | 2020
The Importance of Teamwork and a Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Care with Ted Hong, MD

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VideoJan | 1 | 2020
Dr. Ted Hong, Director of Gastrointestinal Service and Associate Clinical Director in the Dept. of Radiation Oncology at the Mass General Cancer Center, learned early on in his career to never say never.
Follow Dr. Hong to learn how patients benefit from a patient-centric, team approach to care. Learn more about Dr. Hong’s passion for teamwork and about his relentless pursuit to provide the best patient care possible; Dr. Hong and his team are driven to move gastrointestinal cancer research forward, interested in paradigm shifts as opposed to small, incremental changes.
Ted Hong, MD, radiation oncologist and avid hockey player explains how the Mass General Cancer Center’s multidisciplinary approach to developing care plans for patients is so beneficial to the patient. He also talks about his love for the game of hockey and the beauty of teamwork.
Contact us to make an appointment or to learn more about our programs.