Specialized Expertise Transformed a Critical Setback From Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma Into Hope
Discover the story of Jennifer Brennan, who turned to cutting-edge cancer treatment from a highly specialized expert for her peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
Contact Information
Danvers, MAPhone: 978-882-6060
Boston, MAPhone: 877-726-5130
Departments, Centers, & Programs:
Clinical Interests:
Mass General Cancer Center in Danvers
102 Endicott St.
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: 978-882-6060
Mass General Cancer Center
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 877-726-5130
Medical Education
Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.
Secure online access to your health information whenever you need it. Check appointments, communicate with your provider and pay bills online 24/7.
The Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program was created to optimize the care, outcomes, and experiences of adolescent and young adult patients.
Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
Discover the story of Jennifer Brennan, who turned to cutting-edge cancer treatment from a highly specialized expert for her peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
Dr McAfee has a very pleasant manner. Warm and patient. Makes me feel very comfortable. I feel lucky to have him as my doctor.
Very pleased.
Dr. Mcafee has been my doctor at the Bone Marrow Transplant Center for over two years. He is the quintessential expert on stem cell transplants. He can listen, explain and then patiently do it all over again. He's a very compassionate human being and never dismisses my concerns without a careful explanation. He communicates clearly and his team ... Read More
I always feel confident with all the doctors, nurses, and staff on every visit.
Everything was perfect to me
Dr McAfee is very good about discussing changes in my lab tests and what does or doesn't Need to be done
Great Doctor
Dr. McAfee is the best, one of the best providers I've had of any kind of medicine in my life. I think he's just an excellent doctor, very concerned about you as a person, and very warm and kind. Thank you.
I really love Dr. McAfee. He is so knowledgeable about cancer treatment and he's also knowledgeable about everything I've ever asked him about in regards to medicine. He's the kindest person and he listens so carefully. He's just a wonderful doctor. Thank you.
Dr [redacted] and Dr McAfee were very through, explained everything in understandable terms and are very patient oriented.