About James Allan, MD

Clinical Interests:



Wentworth-Douglass Hospital
789 Central Ave.
Dover, NH 03820
Phone: 603-742-5252

Mass General Surgery: Thoracic Surgery
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-2100

Mass General Thoracic Surgery at North Shore Medical Center
79 Highland Ave.
Salem , MA 01970
Phone: 978-740-0406

Medical Education

  • MD, Harvard Medical School
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Surgery, American Board of Surgery
  • Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, American Board of Thoracic Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


Dr. Allan is an NIH-funded principal investigator in the area of lung transplantation, and has won numerous other grants and awards for his research. He is published in the fields of human physiology, thoracic surgery, and transplantation, with special expertise in the experimental use of large-animal models in cardiothoracic transplantation.


  • Dr. Allan is extensively published in the areas of thoracic surgery and transplant immunology. Please use the Pub Med URL provided and search "Allan JS and (lung or esophagus or transplantation)" for representative publications.