22-002 Phase II
A Phase 2 Trial of Chemotherapy followed by Response-Based Whole Ventricular & Spinal Canal Irradiation (WVSCI) for Patients with Localized Non-Germinomatous Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumor
A Phase 2 Trial of Chemotherapy followed by Response-Based Whole Ventricular & Spinal Canal Irradiation (WVSCI) for Patients with Localized Non-Germinomatous Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumor
A Phase 3 Randomized Study of Selumetinib (IND # 77782) versus Carboplatin/Vincristine in Newly Diagnosed or Previously Untreated Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Associated Low-Grade Glioma (LGG)
A Phase 3 Randomized Trial of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin (IND#:133494, NSC#: 772518) for Newly Diagnosed High-Risk B-ALL; Risk-Adapted Post-Induction Therapy for High-Risk B-ALL, Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia, and Disseminated B-LLy
A Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Evaluating Memantine (IND# 149832) for Neurocognitive Protection in Children Undergoing Cranial Radiotherapy as Part of Treatment for Primary Central Nervous System Tumors
AGCT1531: A Phase 3 Study of Active Surveillance for Low Risk and a Randomized Trial of Carboplatin vs. Cisplatin for Standard Risk Pediatric and Adult Patients with Germ Cell Tumors
LCH-IV, International Collaborative Treatment Protocol for Children and Adolescents with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Pediatric Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Consortium Study: cHOD17
Phase 3 Accelerated BEP Trial: A randomised phase 3 trial of accelerated versus standard BEP chemotherapy for patients with intermediate and poor-risk metastatic germ cell tumours
Phase II Study of Proton Radiation Therapy for Neuroblastoma