Mass General Cancer Center Announces First Recipients of Krantz Awards for Cancer Research
The inaugural class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.
The Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research is the scientific engine driving basic and translational research at the Mass General Cancer Center.
The goal of the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research Awards is to support Krantz Center faculty in developing highly impactful cancer research projects. The Krantz Awards are expected to drive discovery, bolster cancer research across the institution, and produce a fundamental change in the understanding and treatment of cancer for patients around the world.
The Krantz Awards recognize varying degrees of progress and encourage collaboration across platforms. The number of awards within each category will be determined based on the quality, impact, and promise of individual projects.
Quantum Awards - Major initiative poised to have definitive impact on fundamental cancer research, diagnostics, or therapeutics.
Quantum Awards may provide up to $1 million per year for two years, with the possibility to extend to a third year upon review of progress. These awards fund projects that have established proof-of-principle based on promising initial findings, are appropriate for rapid expansion, and have the potential to transform our understanding and treatment of cancer.
Breakthrough Awards - Transformative project based on research findings poised for expansion and scale.
Breakthrough Awards may provide up to $500,000 per year for two years. These awards support new and innovative ideas to the point of proof-of-principle based on promising initial findings.
Spark Awards - Exploratory research with potential to yield major initiative.
Spark Awards may provide up to $100,000 per year for one year to test exciting new thought-provoking ideas to the point of proof-of-principle.
The Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research will issue a Request for Applications among its faculty annually. The amount of funding distributed at each cycle will be at the discretion of the Internal and External Review Committees, reflecting the quality of applications. The Internal Review Committee is comprised of senior leaders in the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research with representation from clinical investigators in the Mass General Cancer Center. The funded projects will be presented annually to the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research Scientific External Advisory Board.
The proposal submission period for the 2024 Krantz Awards is now closed. The Internal and External Review Committees thoughtfully evaluated the submissions and are thrilled the awardees have launched their research projects. The 2025 Krantz Awards will solicit new applications in the spring.
Meet the 2024 Krantz Award Recipients
Meet the 2023 Krantz Award Recipients
The inaugural class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.
The newly named Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research will empower Mass General Cancer Center researchers to tackle the major unsolved challenges in oncology.
The 2024 class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.
The inaugural class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.
The newly named Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research will empower Mass General Cancer Center researchers to tackle the major unsolved challenges in oncology.
The 2024 class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.
The inaugural class of awardees will receive more than $6 million in funding to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research.