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We provide comprehensive, quality treatment for patients undergoing care through the Corrigan Minehan Heart Center.

The Cardiac Anesthesia Division provides comprehensive, quality treatment for patients undergoing care through the Corrigan Minehan Heart Center.
The Cardiac Anesthesia Division in the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine (DACCPM) at Massachusetts General Hospital provides safe, specialized perioperative care to patients with cardiovascular needs. We work with clinicians in the Department of Surgery and the Corrigan Minehan Heart Center to recommend the best anesthetic services for patients undergoing all types of cardiac procedures.
Our highly skilled anesthesiologists are trained in the specialty of cardiac anesthesiology and echocardiography. Our team cares for patients presenting for surgical care or for complicated procedures requiring anesthesia in the Electrophysiology Laboratory, Knight Center for Interventional Cardiovascular Therapy and the Echocardiography Suite.
Procedures for which our experts provide anesthesia services include:
- Combined thoracic transplantation
- Heart transplantation
- Lung transplantation
- Major thoracic aorta procedures
- Procedures to treat adult congenital heart disease
- Revascularization
- Valve repair and replacement
- Ventricular assist device placement
Cardiac surgery is considered to be generally complex, requiring advanced anesthetic care. Our anesthetists are part of a patient’s integrated care team and collaborate with care providers from all areas of the hospital to identify solutions to challenging cases, providing a high level of skill and knowledge to guide a patient safely through surgery.
Investing in Future Leaders
Those from anesthesia and perioperative care serve in leadership positions at relevant medical societies such as the Society of Cardiac Anesthesiologists (SCA) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).
Our experts lecture at national and international conferences, publish frequently in major journals and teach courses on anesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass including our own Mass General Heart Center Fundamentals of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Course.
The Cardiac Anesthesia Division provides opportunities for fellows and residents to study under our leading experts. Through complex cases, hands-on training and strong didactics, fellows and residents develop skills centered on innovative patient care. Learn more about the Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship
The Patient Experience
All patients have the opportunity to ask questions of their care team on the day of their surgery. Our expert team of anesthesiologists follows you before, during and after your procedure to ensure your comfort at all stages of treatment.
If you have experienced complications with anesthesia or pain management during previous procedures, our specialists will review your medical history and discuss appropriate treatment options. We will work with you and your care team to develop a personalized treatment plan to meet your specific needs.
Our patients may have the opportunity to participate in a clinical research study. If you are interested in participating in a study, your doctor can help determine whether or not you qualify, and will provide you with detailed information to review.
The Mass General Difference
Mass General has consistently been recognized as a top hospital in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. This recognition is based on our quality of care, patient safety, and reputation in more than a dozen clinical specialties. Our commitment to excellence means that we work to ensure that you receive the best care at all points during your visit. Our patients benefit from shared expertise, leading research, and our commitment to quality and excellence.
A Top Hospital in America
Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
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We provide comprehensive, quality treatment for patients undergoing care through the Corrigan Minehan Heart Center.