About Jingping Wang, MD, PhD

I focus on clinical anesthesia and research as well as resident education. Clinically, I am currently actively engaged in numerous services in the main operating room, acute pain management. I devote a great deal of clinical time and effort to the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMF), developing standardized protocols for anesthesia practices on OMF, running fiberoptic intubation simulation workshop, coordinating and overseeing daily operation to ensure consistently delivering the excellent performance. I am in charge of In Vitro Fertilization Anesthesia, initiating process improvements and overseeing compliance issues, maintaining standards of excellence for clinical activities of the unit.  My research focuses on the perioperative pain management with multimodal analgesic.

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-3030

Medical Education

  • MD, Jilin Medical University
  • Residency, SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


My research focuses on examining the effectiveness of multimodal analgesic perioperative pain management and identifying novel pathways to find solutions to prevent transition from acute pain to chronic pain. I am the PI for 10 clinical IRB-approved projects. My research has included a mixture of investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial studies on opioid-sparing anesthesia. I assessed efficacy of PO vs. IV acetaminophen among patients undergoing total knee replacement and spine fusion, I performed a clinical survey to investigate the incidence of chronic pain after limb surgery where tourniquet was used to minimize blood loss; I investigated the impact of pre-op chronic opioid use on post-operative opioid requirements after spine surgeries, and the impact of preoperative IV acetaminophen use for perioperative pain control in the procedure of oocyte retrievals. I evaluated the effect of intraoperative intravenous Methadone in OMF surgery on postoperative analgesic requirements, pain scores, patient satisfaction, and clinical recovery. I have increasingly engaged in the study of epigenetic influences of analgesic metabolism and gut microbiota on opioid tolerance, investigating whether gut microbiota is involved in opioid tolerance in humans by examining gut flora 16s rRNA gene sequencing and metabolites in opioid tolerant and opioid naïve patients- this work may lead to a shift from multimodal analgesic protocols to a personalized medicine approach based on each patient's genetic coding.


  • Select Publications:

    • Mirzakhani M, Nozari A, Ehrenfeld JM, Peterfreund R, Szabo M, Rosow C, Walsh J, Jiang YD, Sandberg W, Wang JP. Profound Hypotension during Induction of General Anesthesia with Propofol in patients with Rifampin treatment. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2013; 117(1):61-64.
    • Williams E, Buchbinder B, Ahmed S, Alston T, Rathmell J, Wang JP. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension: Presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Anesthesiology. 2014; Dec; 121(6):1327-1333. 
    • Simmons B, Hoeft M, Wang JP. The use of a low-dose ketamine infusion in the management of an acute pain crisis in a patient with sickle cell disease. J Anesth Clin Care 2015, 2: 008
    • O’Neal JB, Freiberg AA, Yelle M, Jiang YD, Zhang CW, Gu Y, Kong XY, Jian WL, O’Neal WT, Wang JP. Intravenous versus oral acetaminophen as an adjunct to multimodal analgesia following total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2017; Oct;32(10):3029-3033.
    • Kong XY, Deng H, Kong YG, Alston TA, Wang JP. Association between opioid receptor mu 1 (OPRM1) A118G polymorphism (rs1799971) and nicotine-dependence. Oncotarget. 2017; Oct 13;
    • Jian WL, Rejaei D, Ahmed S, Alston TA, Wang JP. The role of multimodal analgesia in preventing the development of chronic postsurgical pain and reducing postoperative opioid use. J Opioid Management. 2018; 14(6) 453-461. ISSN: 1551-7489
    • Fregoso G, Wang A, Tseng K, Wang JP. Transition from acute to chronic pain: Evaluating risk for chronic post-surgical pain. Pain Physician. 2019; 22:479-488