Contact Information
Phone: 617-724-8414
Fax: 617-724-7171
Email: MGHbackup@brighthorizons.com
Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm
About the Backup Childcare Service
Backup care is intended to supplement, rather than replace, regular child care. The times when your family needs backup child care may include the following:
- When your child's regular caregiver is ill or on vacation
- When your child's regular child care center or school is closed
- When you have to work extra hours
- When there is a sudden termination in your child care arrangements
- While you are searching for permanent child care arrangements
- When it is not comfortable or possible for a child to accompany a parent or family member to a clinical appointment. Patients are encouraged to contact their health care provider’s office regarding children in the waiting room or accompanying a family member who is receiving care
Our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm.
Each employee is allotted 20 days per calendar year, if there are two adults working for MGB in the family they would get 40 days per year as a whole.- Co-pay depends on individual income
- Making under $75,000 24/day for one child or 45/day/2 or more children
- Making over $75,000 48/day for one child or 90/day/2 or more children
Employees in need of backup child care must make a reservation by calling 877-242-2737. Reservations may be made the day care is needed or up to one month prior.
The earlier the reservation the higher chance there is that they will be confirmed. If we do not have space they will be waitlisted.
All paperwork must be signed, completed, and uploaded onto the portal no later than 3pm the day before (this is all found on the portal in the care profile section; Username: Partners; Password: Benefits4You) otherwise they will not be able to attend.
- Backup Informed Consent
- Signed Care Profile
- Signed Developmental History
- Physical/Medical Form provided from the PCP (listing the last date of exam, immunizations allergies, lab testing – such as lead and is signed by their pediatrician)
- MA Transportation Plan
- If your child has a food allergy or medical condition (asthma), we will need those Health Care Plans along with any life-saving medication to be brought in its original packaging. It must have a prescription date that is valid within the year. Additional information may be needed, please reach out with any questions.