Wu Lab


Our laboratory studies the molecular biomarkers of urologic tumors, including cancers of the prostate, bladder and kidney. The long-term goal of these studies is to develop new diagnostic method and therapeutic regimen for these cancers.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death of men in the US. We are interested in identifying gene expression profiles associated with the development, diagnosis and prognosis of prostate cancer. We have used laser capture microdissection and DNA microarray techniques to identify a group of genes whose expression can be used to predict the prostate cancer outcome. We are in the process of developing a new gene-based diagnostic test to guide clinical management of prostate cancer. The genes identified by this approach may also be used as new therapeutic targets.

Currently, there is a clinical need to improve the method for imaging prostate cancer in vivo. Through collaboration with Dr. Leo Cheng, MGH Pathology and Radiology, we have identified a metabolomic signature of prostate cancer.  We are applying this signature in the development of an in vivo imaging technique for prostate cancer. The new imaging method may help to detect, localize and quantify prostate cancer in vivo. Most prostate cancer death is due to the development of androgen independence. Androgen receptor is responsible for cell growth in both androgen dependent and independent prostate cancers. We identified two novel androgen receptor co-activators that may be involved in the development of androgen independence in prostate cancer. Characterizing these androgen receptor co-activators may lead to new drug targets for androgen independent prostate cancer.

Our laboratory is jointly supported by the MGH Urology and Pathology Departments and the MGH Cancer Center. In addition to our own investigations, we have established productive collaborations with investigators both locally and around the world. We provide clinical, research and technical expertise as well as pathology specimens to these collaborative studies.

Selected Publications

Xie J, Ye J, Cai Z, Luo Y, Zhu X, Deng Y, Feng Y, Liang Y, Liu R, Han Z, Liang Y, Zheng Y, Mo R, Zhuo Y, Wu Y, Jiang F, Zhu J, Wu CL*, Zhong W*. GPD1 enhances the anti-cancer effects of metformin by synergistically increasing total cellular glycerol-3-phosphate. Cancer Res. 2020 Mar 16. PMID: 32179514. (co-senior author)

Saylor PJ, Lee RJ, Arora KS, Deshpande V, Hu R, Olivier K, Meneely E, Rivera MN, Ting DT, Wu CL, Miyamoto DT. Branched Chain RNA In Situ Hybridiza- tion for Androgen Receptor Splice Vari- ant AR-V7 as a Prognostic Biomarker for Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. (co-senior author). Clinical Cancer Research. 2017; 23(2):363-369.

Cai C, Chen QB, Han ZD, Zhang YQ, He HC, Chen JH, Chen Y, Yang SB, Wu YD, Zeng YR, Qin GQ, Liang YX, Dai QS, Jiang FN, Wu CL, Zeng GH, Zhong W, Wu C-L. miR-195 inhibits tumor progression by targeting RPS6KB1 in human prostate cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2015; 21(21):4922-34.

Wu C-L, Schroeder BE, Ma XJ, Cutie CJ, Wu S, Salunga R, Zhang Y, Kattan MW, Schnabel CA, Erlander MG, and McDougal WS. Development and Vali-

dation of a 32-Gene Prognostic Index for Prostate Cancer Progression. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 2013; 9;110(15):6121-6.

Metabolomic imaging for human prostate cancer detection. Wu CL, Jordan KW, Ratai EM, Sheng J, Adkins CB, Defeo EM, Jenkins BG, Ying L, McDougal WS, Cheng LL. Sci Transl Med. 2010 Jan 27;2(16):16ra8.