About Chin-Lee Wu, MD, PhD

Dr. Wu is recognized internationally as a Genitourinary Pathology specialist. He has developed a number of biomarkers  to improve diagnosis and prognosis of prostate, kidney and bladder cancers.  He consults as needed for particularly difficult urologic pathology specimens encountered by other staff pathologists who do not specialize in genitourinary  cancer. Dr. Wu is a member of the Dana Farber-Harvard Cancer Center Prostate and Kidney Cancer Programs, and has his research laboratory in the Pathology Department at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Pathology
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-643-0800

Medical Education

  • MD, First Military Medical University
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Anatomic Pathology, American Board of Pathology

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The Wu laboratory is jointly supported by the departments of urology and pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Research is focused on studies of molecular biomarkers in urologic tumors including cancers of the prostate, bladder and kidney. The long-term goal of our studies is to develop new diagnostic methods and therapeutic regimens. A major focus of the lab is to identify gene expression profiles associated with development, diagnosis and prognosis of prostate cancer. We have used laser capture micro-dissection techniques and DNA microarray technology to identify a group of genes whose expression can be used to predict the outcome of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. We are in the process of developing a new gene-based diagnostic test to guide clinical management of prostate cancer. 

Another project in the laboratory is aimed at improving imaging techniques in prostate cancer. Dr. McDougal, Dr. Leo Cheng and I have identified a metabolomic signature of prostate cancer. We are applying this signature to develop an in-vivo imaging technique for patients with prostate cancer. With this new imaging technology, we hope to be able to better stage localized prostate cancer and quantify the volume of prostate cancer in-vivo See details at the Wu Lab. For more information about research concepts, co-authors, and to see a timeline, visit Dr. Wu's profile at the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center.

