Understanding Constipation in Myhre Syndrome
Constipation can make it uncomfortable to use the bathroom. In turn, an unpleasant experience with toileting can affect behavior, especially for young children.
Patient EducationMay | 18 | 2017
Myhre syndrome is a genetic condition that can be diagnosed at any age. Sometimes, the features can be overlooked or confused with another condition.
Every person who has Myhre syndrome is slightly different. Some common characteristics include:
Myhre syndrome is caused by a change in 1 copy of the SMAD4 gene. In our bodies, genes act like instruction manuals for proteins. The proteins help our bodies develop, grow and work properly.
Myhre syndrome happens by chance. It is not caused by anything a parent did or did not do. When a gene changes by chance, it is called a de novo mutation.
Yes. Researchers at MGfC and Massachusetts General Hospital are very excited to learn more about this rare condition. Talk with your doctor to learn more about research on Myhre syndrome.
Myhre syndrome is one of several medical conditions that can happen when there is a change in the SMAD4 gene. Myhre syndrome is unique because the change causes the SMAD4 gene to work more rather than slow it down. When this happens, it is called a gain-of-function mutation.
Patient resources for the Myhre Syndrome Clinic
Constipation can make it uncomfortable to use the bathroom. In turn, an unpleasant experience with toileting can affect behavior, especially for young children.
April Lanord's son, Alec Bruneau, was considered a medical mystery until he received a diagnosis of Myhre Syndrome, a very rare genetic condition, during childhood. Since coming to the Myhre Syndrome Clinic, Alec has found a new sense of confidence and comfort in who he is.
Certain breathing problems are common in people with Myhre syndrome. Learn about breathing problems and how doctors diagnose and treat them in people with Myhre syndrome.
Practical information to help a primary care physician (PCP) care for their patient and anticipate future needs.
Welcome to the Myhre Syndrome Clinic at Mass General for Children (MGfC) and Massachusetts General Hospital! Learn what to expect and how to prepare before the first appointment, and meet members of the care team.
At the Myhre Syndrome Clinic, we are happy to help patients and families from all around the world. Medical care is different in every country. Learn important things to consider before scheduling your appointment.
Constipation can make it uncomfortable to use the bathroom. In turn, an unpleasant experience with toileting can affect behavior, especially for young children.
April Lanord's son, Alec Bruneau, was considered a medical mystery until he received a diagnosis of Myhre Syndrome, a very rare genetic condition, during childhood. Since coming to the Myhre Syndrome Clinic, Alec has found a new sense of confidence and comfort in who he is.
Certain breathing problems are common in people with Myhre syndrome. Learn about breathing problems and how doctors diagnose and treat them in people with Myhre syndrome.
Practical information to help a primary care physician (PCP) care for their patient and anticipate future needs.